Gift voucher
At Hotel Mozárbez Salamanca we offer you a wide variety of gift vouchers.
Book your gift voucher for any time of the year and benefit from our best prices!
  • Drinks pack
    Complement your vouchers with one of our drink packs:

    Pack 1: 1 bottle of Hacienda Zorita Crianza wine and 1 bottle of water.
    Pack 2: 4 drinks (beer or soft drink) plus 1 bottle of water.

    The choice of one or the other is made directly at the establishment. Price: €16.
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    Drinks pack

  • Weekend menu
    Give a meal for two in our restaurant enjoying our excellent menu composed of an starter, 3 first and 3 seconds to choose, in addition to our homemade desserts.

    Valid for all weekends and holidays. Not valid for days with special menu (father’s day, mother’s day, Christmas). Consult our reservation department at the time of booking.

    This menu does not include drink, if you want you can include your drink pack attached.

    Price: €58.
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    Weekend menu

  • Your daily menu
    Give with our special gift voucher for two people. You can enjoy our daily menu in our gardens from Monday to Friday at noon (not valid for holidays).

    Space enabled from June 1 to September 30, inclusive.

    Price: €36.
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    Your daily menu